Intu Blinds

Made To Measure INTU Blinds

Our brand new made to measure Intu Blinds from Brixham Blinds offer a brilliant option for compact windows and are a slim but effective solution to privacy and lighting. These fantastic and revolutionary Intu blinds were built with you in mind. The most simplistic and safest blinds you can buy, no drills, no screws but full of style.

They are practical and easily managed, and when it comes to safety they are the safest blinds on the market having eliminated hanging strings or loops, the made to measure intu blinds are often installed in conservatories and children’s bedrooms, to best utilise their sleek and effective capabilities.


A simple solution, these made to measure Intu blinds solve the issue of lack of space with their clever design and ability to fit any window. We can provide these blinds in two styles; Pleated and Roller. Both of these styles are created with you in mind, eliminating all need for loop cords or chains making them child safe.

Roller blinds and our pleated blinds create an easy and stylish way to limit light and improve privacy, they are perfect for conservatories where space is limited. For more information please check out our full range of blinds or get in contact with us to order or have your questions answered.